Renaissance Lac Brome (RLB) is the citizens' organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of Brome Lake and its watershed. RLB exists since February 2001 and is overseen by a board of directors of 12 volunteer members. RLB also calls on a biologist, project manager, a communications officer as well as two interns who come to join the team during the summer period to participate in its interventions in the field. Municipal council and watershed organizations work with RLB to ensure that Brome Lake and its tributaries allow users to enjoy their favorite activities without fear of their health and remain viable habitats for the flora and fauna that live there. develop.
Carrying out biodiversity inventories
(fish, birds, batrachians); -
Firm positions taken on the protection
wetlands and sensitive environments. -
Planting shrubs and trees.
2007 - 2009
Relaunch of the organization: RLB goes from 83 members to 700 members.
Organized water quality monitoring program, planting of shrubs and trees, analysis of lake grass beds.
On August 17, 2006, the lake was closed due to contamination with cyanobacteria, just like twenty lakes in the Eastern Townships and more than 100 across Quebec. It was enough to trigger a real mobilization of the community of Lac-Brome. On October 14, 2006, RLB organized a public information meeting which brought together more than 300 citizens, all very interested.
Several questions were then discussed with the authorities of the Ministry of the Environment, the Municipality and the University of Sherbrooke (responsible for the sampling program in the tributaries). Following this general mobilization meeting, Renaissance lac Brome set up a new board of directors and adopted an action plan that was discussed with the municipal authorities in November and December 2006.
Establishment of a water quality monitoring program in partnership with the City of Lac-Brome and the University of Sherbrooke. In subsequent years, the municipalities of Bolton-Ouest, Stukely-Sud and Canton de Shefford were added to the partnership, which received the support of the pacte rural and the OBV-Yamaska.
From now on, systematic measures will be taken. Levels of phosphorus, nitrogen, temperature, degree of oxygenation, conductivity, matter in suspension, pH of the water. Nothing is left to chance. At the same time, RLB is conducting a water clarity measurement program using the Secchi disk. All of these measures will henceforth provide a solid scientific basis for the organization's interventions.
Finally, it should be noted that the results of these studies are communicated to the members of the organization during their annual general meeting, which usually takes place in May of each year.
Renaissance lac Brome (RLB) ensures that citizens, the municipality and governments are made aware of the importance of taking concrete action to put an end to practices conducive to the contamination and deterioration of the quality of the lake's water and its tributaries. RLB also carries out the scientific studies and follow-ups required to keep the lake healthy and allow its users to practice their favorite activities without fear.