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Photo:  Ben McCauley

Exotic species


Five aquatic invasive alien species (EAEE) are found in the Brome Lake watershed, namely the rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) as a wildlife representative, the Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), the common reed (Phragmites australis ), the curly pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) and the frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) as representatives of the flora. Introduced in a new region, outside their natural environment, the EAEE have no natural predator which allows them to grow rapidly. Once established, they can take the place of native species.


Photo:  Marilynn Guay Racicot


Inspect and clean all watercraft and equipment

Inspection and cleaning of boats before launching are simple measures that can prevent the introduction into Brome Lake of species such as the zebra mussel.


Red-spotted crayfish

The rusty crayfish is an invasive alien species native to the Ohio River watershed in the United States. It was observed for the first time at Brome Lake in 2011 during an ichthyological inventory. This species of crayfish is very voracious and is larger than native crayfish. Its carapace is usually blue-gray or dark brown-green and it has red spots on the side of its carapace. It feeds on fish eggs, periphyton and benthic invertebrates. 

écrevisse taches rouges

Photo: Conservation Brome Lake


Brome Lake Conservation and the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife, and Parks want to follow the evolution of the Brome Lake invasive crayfish population. To do this, we would like to be informed of crayfish captures.   Please answer the following questions to help us control the species.


We remind you that it is forbidden to put the crayfish back into the water once captured and that it is also forbidden to transport the crayfish alive after the capture. 


We are currently working on producing a video capsule that will allow you to fully understand the stages of catching crayfish.

Are you capturing



If so, help us

to control them by answering to

3 short questions.



Learn to recognize, capture, kill, dispose of and better yet, cook the rusty crayfish!

Espèces envahissantes

Eurasian watermilfoil

Eurasian watermilfoil is an invasive alien plant species. This rooted plant has a stem surrounded by leaflets that look a bit like conifer thorns. It spreads rapidly by cuttings when a fragment is cut. Watermilfoil, which can reach 6 m in height, forms dense canopies on the surface, which interferes with recreational activities and the development of native aquatic plants. 


Image by Tao Yuan

Common reed

The common reed is an invasive alien species native to Eurasia. This plant prefers moist places such as ditches, the edges of lakes or streams, marshes and wetlands. The stems of the reed measure up to 5 m in height, the flower of which is quite characteristic. 

hydrocharide grenouillette_edited.jpg

Other species

The other invasive exotic plant species present in Brome Lake are the curled pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) and the frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae). These plants proliferate rapidly and their dense biomass takes up the space and light needed by native plants. 

Myriophylle à épis

Myriophylle à épis

Myriophylle à épis
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