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Photo:  Ben McCauley



Since the 1970s, several inventories have made it possible to recognize the wealth found in the Brome Lake watershed. We know that there are at least 158 animal species present on the territory. The inventories mainly targeted the lake itself and Quilliams Creek. Thus, a large number of sectors are still to be studied. The best known groups are birds, reptiles, fish, crustaceans and dragonflies. To date, no study has listed the mammals present on the territory. 

oiseaux aquatiques


An inventory of the avifauna of the riparian wetlands located at the mouths of Brome Lake streams was carried out in 2011. A total of 53 bird species were spotted in all eight wetlands. Of this number, 12 were attributed to the Anatidae and aquatic birds group, only 1 to birds of prey and 40 to the large group of passerines and land birds. Most species (50) were classified as breeding. 

râle de Virginie

Virginia Rail


Reptiles and amphibians


Three inventories made it possible to list the amphibians and reptiles present on the territory. Sixteen species were observed between 1946 and 2016, including four with special statuses. The northern dusky salamander, the four-toed salamander and the water snake are likely to be designated as threatened or vulnerable in Quebec and the wood turtle is a vulnerable species in Quebec. 



The word reptile is used to group together orders of species usually covered in scales, including squamates (snakes and lizards) and testudines (turtles). At Brome Lake, three species of turtles and two species of snakes have been identified in the watershed.


There are 9 species of turtles in Quebec. Three species are present in the Brome Lake watershed.  An inventory carried out in 2011 indicates that the snapping turtle was found on the slope of Brome Lake. The inventory carried out in 2011 indicates that the snapping turtle was found in all of the wetlands except at Argyll Creek and the McPherson filtering marsh. For its part, the painted turtle is present in the Yamaska River (outlet of the lake), then in the Pearson and Quilliams streams. 

Image by Wolfgang Hasselmann
tortue serpentine

Photo : OBV Yamaska

Snapping Turtle

The snapping turtle has been designated nationally as a species of special concern by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ...

tortue peinte

Photo : OBV Yamaska

Painted Turtle

The painted turtle, observed for the first time in 2011, is found in the Brome Lake watershed. This species inhabits all of North America. Indeed, it is found from Canada to the north ...

tortue des bois_edited.jpg

Photo : OBV Yamaska

Wood Turtle

The wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta), as its name suggests, spends most of its time in a forest environment a few hundred meters from a watercourse that allows it to regulate the temperature ...

Garter snakes

As for snakes, these are represented in Quebec by 8 species of snakes. At Brome Lake, inventory of 2011 made it possible to find a single species, the garter snake in the Yamaska River. It also seems that the water snake would be present in Quilliams Creek following the discovery of environmental DNA. 

Image by Marshall Minzz


Anurans (toads and frogs) and Urodeles (salamanders, mudpuppies and newts) are represented in Quebec by 11 and 10 species respectively. At Brome Lake,inventoryof 2011 confirmed the presence of 7 relatively well-dispersed anurans (except Inverness Creek) in the various wetlands: the American toad, the wood frog, the northern frog, the northern leopard frog, the green frog, the bullfrog and gray tree frog. In addition, it was possible to identify several Anuran breeding sites in wetlands.

As for the Urodeles, 4 species were seen: the two-lined salamander, the four-toed salamander, the ash salamander and the northern dusky salamander.



Over the years, 30 species of fish have been found in Brome Lake, its seven tributaries and their wetlands. Following an inventory in 2011, two species caught the attention of biologists. It's about meborn of grass and chain pickerel. These fish are considered to be in a precarious situation in Quebec. Indeed, the meGrassborn is considered Vulnerable in Quebec while Chain Pickerel is likely to be designated as Threatened or Vulnerable.

Arthropodes et mollusques

Arthropods and molluscs


Photo : OBV Yamaska


Molluscs are all mussels, more commonly known as freshwater mussels. These organisms, often little known, are nevertheless important for water quality. 


Photo : Isabelle Picard

Les arthropods

As for arthropods, three species of crayfish have historically been observed at Brome Lake: the blue-clawed crayfish, the keeled billfish, and the red-spotted crayfish.


Photo : OBV Yamaska


To date, only one entomological inventory has been made of Brome Lake. In 2013-2014, 64 species of odonates, commonly known as dragonflies, were identified in Quilliams Wildlife Sanctuary, representing high biodiversity.



No inventory of Brome Lake mammals has been done to date, except in the Quilliams-Durrull reserve. On this territory under conservation, the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) and the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are present.

Image by Gary Bendig
Image by Cindie Hansen
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