Acerca of

I take care of our lake, and you?
Overview of the situation
Brome Lake offers a quality body of water for boating enthusiasts. The configuration of the lake and its proximity to major urban centers makes it an ideal lake for a variety of watercraft.
Sailing is practiced there, as well as canoeing and kayaking. More recently, paddleboarding and rowing have become very popular here. There has also been a boating club at the lake for a very long time, favoring sailing lessons for young people, and more recently a rowing club. The lake also has a water skiing course and wake or surf-style activities are also growing there, as is the practice of personal watercraft which, like everywhere in Quebec, has regained popularity in recent years.

Water quality
However, the cohabitation of all these boats is not easy and their impact on the quality of the lake water is worrying. Year after year, residents and users of marinas have access to more than 500 motorized boats and more than 700 non-motorized boats. In a year, the lake will also receive up to 900 motorized boats that will come to visit the lake for a day to practice fishing, boating or wake/surf type activities. Although these boats do not all circulate at the same time, the weekends are busy and more particularly the weekends that are not very windy and sunny when the boat launch at Camping Domaine des Érables accommodates up to 50 boats. motorized in one day which are added to the local residents' boats.
Conservation Lac Brome is concerned by the impacts of boating on the quality of the lake's water. This concern relates to two main vectors: boat washing and the circulation of motor boats.
Lavage d'embarcations
Washing all boats that access the lake occasionally is essential to avoid the introduction and spread of invasive aquatic species, as recommended by the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks.
Following an initiative by Conservation lac Brome in 2020 and 2021, the City now has a boat wash station. This station is located opposite the access to Camping Domaine des érables, which makes boat washing an obligation.
However, Conservation lac Brome believes that the washing of all boats that access the lake must become an obligation by municipal by-law regardless of the access used. This is done in several lakes in Quebec.
Circulation of motor boats
Motor boat traffic has impacts on lake bottom sediments, shoreline erosion and sensitive aquatic species or invasive aquatic plants.
Recent studies show that motorized boats can, depending on the depth of the water, create sufficient turbulence on the bottom of the lake to stir up the sediments and put some of the phosphorus they contain back into suspension in the water column. In addition, the waves created by motorized boats contribute to shoreline erosion, which also increases the supply of suspended solids rich in phosphorus. This impact is particularly significant in areas less exposed to winds.
On the other hand, with respect to wakesurf-type boats, which move much more water than traditional boats, it has been shown that the effects on the bottom of the lake are felt down to a depth of 6 to 7 meters and that a distance of 300 meters from the banks should be adopted to minimize bank erosion.
The Town of Brome Lake is responsible for buoys placed on the outskirts of the lake and aimed at limiting the speed of boats to 10 km/h in an area of 150 meters from the shore. Most of the 150 meter shore zone corresponds to a depth of 3 meters, except in some places such as Elizabeth Bay at the mouth of the Pearson River, between Eagle Island and Coldbrook Creek and in some places around Lake.

Conservation Lac Brome promotes additional restrictions to protect the lake and ensure reduced phosphorus inputs which contribute to the eutrophication of the lake and more specifically to the multiplication of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).

Buoys 150 meters from the shore should be moved in some cases to ensure a minimum depth of 3 meters deep.
Ideally the speed of circulation between the buoys and the shore should be reduced to 5 km/h and the boats should circulate perpendicular to the shore for access only.
A wake/surf zone at least 7 meters deep and more than 300 meters from the shore should be mandatory on the lake (see wake/surf section).
Regulatory framework
Initially, Conservation Lac Brome promotes an approach with boaters aimed at informing them and making them aware of the importance of responsible behavior on the water. The City has indicated its intention to play this role and CLB supports it.
Eventually, regulations should support these efforts. Conservation Lac Brome is aware that navigation on water bodies is under federal jurisdiction and falls under the Merchant Marine Act, which falls under the Department of Transport of Canada.
Conservation Lac Brome favors amendments to this law to:
that it takes into account the environmental impacts of boat traffic
that changes supported by local communities can be introduced in less than a year
that municipalities can ultimately introduce these changes themselves in order to ensure safety and safeguard the environment.
Conservation Lac Brome
promotes changes to this law
Take into account
environmental impacts related to the
boat traffic.
Introduce changes by local authorities within less than a year.
Support these changes in a way that ensures safety
and safeguards the environment
by municipalities